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(40)1998. 「東北アジア諸民族の文化動態」,『北方学会報』,6:25-26頁。
(41)1998. Cultural Dynamics of Northeastern Asian Peoples. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 6: pp. 1-2.
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(43)1998. Shamanism of Qorcin in Inner Mongolia. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 6: pp. 2-4.
(44)1998. Ambivalent Resolution: Political Discourse and Conflict Resolving Process on the Ainu Issue. The 21st Century: The Century of Anthropology. The 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Williamsburg, The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, p.184.
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(46)2000. Furo japanilaisissa myyteissä ja kansanperinteessä Löylyn henki, kolmen mantereen kylvyt pp.64-71 Helsinki: Rakennustieto oy.
(47)2000. Political Movement, Legal Reformation, and Transformation of Ainu Identity. Hunters and Gatherers in the Modern World. (eds. Schweitzer, P., M. Biesele, and R. Hitchcock), pp.206-222, Oxford & New York: Berghahm Books.
(48)2000. 「北方民族における狩猟の象徴的意味」,『普及啓発セミナー』,181-191頁。
(49)2000. 「北方民族のエスニシィティとアイデンティティ」,『北方学会報』,7:31-32頁。
(50)2000. 「蒸気の精」,『北方学会報』,7:10-12頁。
(51)2000. Ethnicity and Identity in the North. Northern Studies Association Bulletin. 7: 1-2.
(52)2001. 「まりも祭りの創造−アイヌの帰属性と民族的共生−」,『民族学研究』,66(3):320-342頁。
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(55)2002. 「モンゴル・シャマニズムの文化人類学的分析−内モンゴル, ホルチン・ボのシャマニズムにおける歴史意識と宇宙論的秩序」,『東北アジア諸民族の文化動態』,札幌,北海道大学図書刊行会,357-440頁。
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(57)2003. Ethnic Conflicts and Conflict Resolutions in the Revival of the Ainu Death Ritual. Session III, Ethnic Conflicts and Conflict Resolutions, XV International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pp.1-18, Florence, University of Florence.
(58)2003. Ritual and Discourses on Nature Among the Changing Post-Soviet Herders in Northern Kamchatka. Session IV, Religion and Nature in Post-Soviet Trans-Eurasia, XV International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pp1-7, Florence, University of Florence.
(59)2003. Ethnic Conflict and Conflict Resolutions. Session V, Aggression and Collective Violence: Ethnic and Ideological Conflict and Human Rights, XV International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Florence, University of Florence, pp.1-3.
(60)2003. 「北方周極地域の民族性と帰属性」,『北方学会報』,9:13-16頁。
(61)2003. Ethnicity and Identity in the Circumpolar Regions. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 9: 1-4.
(62)2004. Creation of the Marimo Festival. Circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity. Senri Ethnological Studies No.66. (eds. Irimoto, T. and T. Yamada), pp.11-38, Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology.
(63)2004. Anthropology of Ethnicity and Identity. Circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity. Senri Ethnological Studies, No.66. (eds. Irimoto, T. and T. Yamada), pp.401-409, Osaka National Museum of Ethnology.
(64)2004. 「アイヌ文化における死の儀礼の復興−紛争解決、共生、行為主体」,『文学研究科紀要』,北海道大学大学院文学研究科,113:31-64頁。
(65)2004. 「北方学と人類学」,『北方学会報』,10:52-54頁。
(66)2004. Northern Studies and Anthropology. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 10: 1-4.
(67)2005. 「アイヌ文化を創る−まりも祭りにみる伝統、創造、共生−」,『普及啓発セミナー報告集』,札幌,財団法人アイヌ文化振興・研究推進機構,26-30頁。
(68)2004. Northern Studies in Japan. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, 5: 55-90.

(69)2005. 「北方学とチベット学」,『北方学会報』,11: 81-92頁。
(70)2005. Northern Studies and Tibetology. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 11: 1-7.
(71)2007. 「北方研究からみえる人類学の今日的課題」,『北方学会報』,12:96-98頁。
(72)2007. Anthropological Themes Today Viewed from Northern Studies. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 12: 1-3. 
(73)2007. 「北の民の民族性と帰属性」,『北の民の人類学』,京都,京都大学学術出版会,1-6頁。
(74)2007. 「アイヌ文化における死の儀礼の復興をめぐる葛藤と帰属性」,『北の民の人類学』,京都,京都大学学術出版会,9-36頁。
(75)2007. 「未来の民族性と帰属性」,『北の民の人類学』,京都,京都大学学術出版会,317-329頁。
(76)2007. 「人類学的アプローチによる心の社会性」,『集団生活の論理と実践』,札幌,北海道大学出版会,3-33頁。
(77)2007. 「北方研究の展開」,『現代文化人類学の課題−北方研究からみる』,京都,世界思想社,4-30頁。
(78)2007. Ethnic Conflicts and Conflict Resolutions in the Revival of the Ainu Death Ritual. Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind -Mutual Construction of the Mind and Society-. (eds. Radford, Mark H. B., Susumu Ohnuma and Toshio Yamagishi), pp361-385, Sapporo, Hokkaido University Press.
(79)2007. Northern Studies in Japan: From Folklore to Anthropology of Nature and Culture. Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind -Mutual Construction of the Mind and Society-. (eds. Radford, Mark H. B., Susumu Ohnuma and Toshio Yamagishi), pp387-418, Sapporo, Hokkaido University Press.
(80)2007. Creation of the Marimo Festival: Ainu Identity and Ethnic Symbiosis. Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind -Mutual Construction of the Mind and Society-. (eds. Radford, Mark H. B., Susumu Ohnuma and Toshio Yamagishi), pp419-448, Sapporo, Hokkaido University Press.
(81)2007. 「日本における北方研究の再検討−自然誌‐自然と文化の人類学‐の視点から−」『Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)』, The Anthropological Society of Nippon,115 (1): 1-13.

(82)2008. 「北方学と人類進化」,『北方学会報』13:1-4頁。
(83)2008. Northern Studies and Human Evolution. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 13: 1-4.
(84)2009. Ritual and Discourses on Nature among the Changing Post-Soviet Reindeer Herders in Northern Kamchatka. Quaderni di Etnologia e Archeologia del Sacro 12:35-44. Firenze, Alinea.
(85) 2010. 「北方学とアイヌ文化」,『北方学会報』14:1-4頁。
(86)2010. Northern Studies and Ainu Culture. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 14: 1-5.
(87)2010. 「チべット研究の現状とデータベース作成」,『北方学会報』14:43-49頁。
(88)2010. 「人類の進化と北方適応」,『文化人類学』74(4):541-565頁。

(89)2010. A Reappraisal of the Ainu Bear Festival. In A Circumpolar Reappraisal (Westerdalh, C. ed.). BAR (British Archaeological Reports) International Series ,No. 2154: 133-148.
(90)2011. Ritual and Discourses on Nature among the Changing Post-Soviet Reindeer Herders in Northern Kamchatka. In Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies, (eds. Yamada, T. and T. Irimoto),pp.153-163, Sapporo, Hokkaido University Press.
(91)2011. Revival of the Ainu Bear Festival‐The Mind, Ethnic Symbiosis and Continuity of Traditional Culture, Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies, (eds. Yamada, T. and T. Irimoto), pp.223-256, Sapporo, Hokkaido University Press.
(92)2011. 「北方学の展開―心の諸科学からの社会的貢献」,『北方学会報』15:1-2頁。
(93)2011. Development of Northern Studies – the Social Contribution of the Sciences of the Mind. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 15: 1-2.
(94)2011. Ecological Implications of Tibetan Buddhism: Exorcising Rites in Village and Monastic Festivals. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 15: 3-4.
(95)2012. 「北方学の射程」,『北方学会報』16:1‐2頁。
(96)2012. 「チベット人の信仰と信条における共通性―祭礼に登場するラー、王権、および仏教の関係―」,『北方学会報』16:59‐60頁。
(97)2012. 「北方学からの情報発信」,『北方学会報』16:60‐67頁。
(98)2012. Scope of Northern Studies. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 16: 1-2.
(99)2012. Commonality in Tibetan Belief and Creed―Possession by Lha at Festivals and its Relation to Kingship and Buddhism. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 16: 3-4.
(100)2012. Publication of Information from Northern Studies. Northern Studies Association Bulletin 16: 5-8.

(101)2015. 「Tibet Festival Japan 2015ーチベット・フェスティバル 2015 を通したチベットと日本の文化交流ー」Tibet Journal(『チベット通信』)2015, Autumn, p.10-19.
(102)2015. "If there is no culture, there is no history...": Traditional Culture among Northern Kamchatka Reindeer Herders in the Post-Soviet Period. Quaestio Rossica 2015, No.3, p.227-242.
(103)2016. 「トランス・ヒマラヤ・ネットワークの形成と日本在住亡命チベット人の役割」『チベット学会報』第3号、p.1-9.
(104)2016. 「ダライ・ラマ法王によるタシルンポ僧院でのラムリム(菩提道次第)法話」(1) Tibet Journal (『チベット通信』)2016, Summer, p.22-25.
(105)2016. 「ダライ・ラマ法王によるタシルンポ僧院でのラムリム(菩提道次第)法話」(2) Tibet Journal (『チベット通信』)2016, Autumn, p.14-17.
